
Let’s begin by looking at the definition of Peace shall we. It is the ABSENCE of mental stress, of anxiety, It’s serenity, tranquility, calmness.


Doesn’t that just sound so wonderful? AHHHH, just to enjoy your day, with no worries. If you have read my bio you know I have seven, yes seven children that God has blessed me with, not to mention He thought he would test my patience and get a little giggle when He blessed me with my husband who has three. We like to say we are the Brady Bunch remix! So finding peace is hard for me as you can imagine. Between running back and forth for parent/teacher conferences, MMA training and tournaments, and the typical teenage “drama” which I will later get into for you parents who need some encouragement! I’m not going to fib to you and tell you it was easy to find my peace, trust me, I struggled! Continue reading

Understanding Your Mind Power

Mind Power

Did you know that you have total mind power and you don’t have to live in misery? Did you also know that YOU were not created to live a pitiful life? Yea, it took me until recently to really wrap that around in my mind.

 This is what the Bible says about mind power

Proverbs 23:7 says “for he is the kind of person who is always thinking about the cost.
“Eat and drink,” he says to you, but his heart is not with you.

To me, this verse is saying, if you are always thinking the worst outcome of something, you may temporarily be satisfied but you will still be in the same situation or storm that you are in. You can never get beyond what YOU think.  Continue reading